5 Resolutions for 2015

I can’t explain why, but I have been looking forward to 2015 starting and being done with 2014. Perhaps because the previous year was quite a year. Just thinking about all that had happened in that year makes me feel weary. I remember feeling like 2014 would be a very eventful year, and it very much was. For 2015, however, I get the sense that there will much growth, particularly for me personally, and I feel like it will be a little more relaxed.

There are plenty of things that I would love to see happen this year. I have my typical resolutions, but there is a handful of very special ones that would allow me to feel much growth if I achieve them.

  1. Send out my book. My novel, Swordmaiden, is nearly ready to be shared. Now publishing may be further in the future, but this year I definitely want to send it out to agents and publishers and begin that lovely process of querying.
  2. Open my Etsy shop. With my resources slowly expanding, I think I have the potential to finally start making a business of crafting. I really want crafting and gift making to be a big part of my life.
  3. Involve myself in the youth. Being the youth pastor’s assistant, as well as his little sister, I have the sense that it’s my duty to get more involved in the youth besides doing behind the scenes admin work. Also it is my desire. I really truly want to become a part of something that is changing young people’s lives.
  4. Making tokens for cashiers and people on the street. It’s been a little dream of mine to make special gifts and tokens and carry them with me to give to people, but specifically people on the streets and cashiers in stores. It wouldn’t take much of me. I want this to be the year when I finally do that.
  5. Expand my editing experience. I’ve already done a few editing internships, and I want to do more. I also want to finally buck up the courage and start some freelancing. Offering freelance editing services would really be a fun and valuable experience. It’s just another step towards my dream career.

Do you have any special resolutions? Let us all be an inspiration to each other. I hope to always be able to motivate you towards your dreams. And don’t you give up on them. A new year means another fresh start 🙂